* [[KNOPPIX/Math]] English edition. [#j675ea1a]
- We have released [[KNOPPIX/Math/2011/English]] DVD. It's downloadable from [[KNOPPIX/Math/English/Download]].
- We have released KNOPPIX/Math/ICMS2010 DVD. It's downloadable from [[KNOPPIX/Math/English/Download]].
- We have released [[KNOPPIX/Math/ICMS2006/English]] DVD1.
- [[KNOPPIX/Math]] is a remastering of [[KNOPPIX]] for Mathematical softwares.
- [[KNOPPIX/Math]] based on [[KNOPPIX]] Japanese edition remasterd by [[AIST]].
- Japanese edition, [[KNOPPIX/Math/2006]] was distiributed in [[MSJ]] meeting, March 26-29, 2006, Chuo University. 
- Japanese edition, [[KNOPPIX/Math/2005]] was distiributed in [[MSJ]] meeting, March 27-30, 2005, Nihon University.

- [[KNOPPIX/Math/2004]] was distiributed in [[MSJ]] meeting, March 28-31, 2004, University of Tsukuba. 
- The first [[KNOPPIX/Math]] was distributed in [[MSJ]] meeting, March 23-26, 2003, University of Tokyo.

- [[KNOPPIX/Math/ICMS2006/English]]
- [[KNOPPIX/Math/2005/English]]
-- [[KNOPPIX/Math/2005/deb]]
-- [[KNOPPIX/Math/2005/install]]
-- [[KNOPPIX/Math/2005/remove]]
-- [[KNOPPIX/Math/2005/Label]]
- [[KNOPPIX/Math/2004/English]]
- [[KNOPPIX/Math/English/Download]]
//- [[KNOPPIX/Math/BitTorrent]]
//- [[KNOPPIX/Math/English/BBS]]
- [[KNOPPIX/Math/English/ML]]

* Papers [#s7ea1aa7]
- [[KNOPPIX/Math:Portable and distributable collection of mathematical software and free documents:http://holst.sm.fukuoka-u.ac.jp/~hamada/papers/ascm_TATSUYOSHI_HAMADA.pdf]],  ASCM2005.

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