
* MathematicalSoftwareAndFreeDocuments IX [#sfdbf071]
- 2009 September 23rd (Wed 13:00 -- 18:00)
- Osaka University, TOYONAKA Campus, Faculty of Science, D401 ([[access:http://www.osaka-u.ac.jp/en/access/]], [[map:http://www.osaka-u.ac.jp/en/access/toyonaka.html]])
- Organizer: Noro, Masayuki (Kobe University) noro at math.kobe-u.ac.jp, Hamada, Tatsuyoshi (Fukuoka University) hamada at holst.sm.fukuoka-u.ac.jp

* Speakers [#a63cf7ac]
- Jacques Garrigue (Nagoya University)
- Masanobu Ishii (Yamaguchi University)
- Kinji Kimura (Kyoto University)
- Masaru Tanaka (Fukuoka University)
- Hiroshi Yokota (Toshiba Information Systems)

* Program [#s4b3d544]
|13:00--14:00|Introduction to GotoBLAS|Kinji Kimura (Kyoto University)|
|14:10--15:10|Not poor Yorick|Hiroshi Yokota (Toshiba Information Systems)|
|15:20--15:50|Teaching materials for mathematical modeling with Processing and its case study|Masaru Tanaka (Fukuoka University)|
|16:00--16:30|TBA|Masanobu Ishii (Yamaguchi University)|
|16:40--17:40|Why Objective Caml can detect your bugs|Jacque Garrique (Nagoya University)|

* Abstract [#x11cffa4]
|13:00--14:00|Introduction to GotoBLAS|Kinji Kimura (Kyoto University)|
We introduce how to use GotoBLAS through some examples. First, we propose a method for solving nonlinear eigenvalue problems in a given domain. We explain that GotoBLAS plays important roles at the case of both dense matrices and sparse matrices in the method. Then, as an application of the method, we propose a new method for solving nonlinear polynomial systems, which are called cyclic-6,7 and very famous.
Second, we introduce an efficient algorithm for computing characteristic
polynomials of dense integer matrices exactly. The efficiency of the algorithm is based on the high performance of GotoBLAS.
The example is very interesting because that GotoBLAS, which is a library for numerical computation, functions effectively in exact computation.
|14:10--15:10|Not poor Yorick|Hiroshi Yokota (Toshiba Information Systems)|
Yorick is a C-like language for the numerical analysis with MATLAB-like operators. It is a kind of Lightweight Languages, but faster than the other MATLAB-like languages,for example, Octave and Scilab.Yorick can draw 2-D and 3-D graphs and animations. This session is a simple introduction to Yorick.
Let's see. "Alas, NOT poor Yorick!"

|15:20--15:50|Teaching materials for mathematical modeling with Processing and its case study|Masaru Tanaka (Fukuoka University)|
Processing, which is based on Java and made for artists, is useful to visualize various things. It can be used like as BASIC language besides OOPS. Naturally, Processing approve of programmers including Java codes so that pull-down menus and buttons can be used in Processing platform. In this talk, it is introduced that actual teaching materials for mathematical modeling with Processing. Especially, students that have no previous experience of programming are encouraged that they make breaking blocks game with Processing.

|16:00--16:30|TBA|Masanobu Ishii (Yamaguchi University)|
|16:40--17:40|Why Objective Caml can detect your bugs|Jacque Garrique (Nagoya University)|
Objective Caml is a functional programming language. Its fast compiler and robust runtime performance have attracted many users. But its main advantage is its advanced polymorphic type inference, which is able to detect most bugs before compilation, yet does not require writing types explicitly. Finding all bugs is of course a theoretical paradox, but we will see what makes it so hard to write buggy programs in OCaml, and which programming style enjoys the best protection.

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