
* MathematicalSoftwareAndFreeDocuments X [#t0656762]
- 2010 March 23rd (Wed 13:00 -- 18:00)
- Keio University, Hiyoshi Campus, Raiou-sha
- Organizer: Noro, Masayuki (Kobe University) noro at math.kobe-u.ac.jp, Hamada, Tatsuyoshi (Fukuoka University) hamada at holst.sm.fukuoka-u.ac.jp

* Speakers [#e46a86da]
- Noriyuki Abe (The University of Tokyo)
- Kinji Kimura (Kyoto University)
- Shingo Okuyama (Kagawa National College of Technology)
- Akira Suzuki (Kobe University)
- Akimichi Takemura (The University of Tokyo/JST CREST)

* Program [#d6dfbeda]
|13:00--13:50|Speed-up of Maple with sdmp package-On the topic of computing determinant|Kinji Kimura (Kyoto University)|
|14:00--14:50|Japanese TeX environment on Windows|Noriyuki Abe (University of Tokyo|
|15:00--15:50|Invariant theory and the software LattE|Shingo Okuyama (Kagawa National College of Technology)|
|16:00--16:50|Simple 3D Graph on Smartphones|Akira Suzuki (Kobe University)|
|17:00--17:50|My Ph.D. Thesis typeset in early TeX|Akimichi Takemura (University of Tokyo/JST CREST)|

* Abstract [#sc21c5d6]
|13:00--13:50|Speed-up of Maple with sdmp package-On the topic of computing determinant|Kinji Kimura (Kyoto University)|
I will explain how to speed up computer algebra Maple by using the
sdmp package on the topic of computing determinant.

|14:00--14:50|Japanese TeX environment on Windows|Noriyuki Abe (University of Tokyo|
TeX is a software to write an article which contains mathematical formulas. It was complicated to setup Japanese TeX environments on Windows. I will talk situations and problems about it.

|15:00--15:50|Invariant theory and the software LattE|Shingo Okuyama (Kagawa National College of Technology)|

We calculated a reduced Poincare series of some invariant ring. It reduces to counting the number of matrices of non-negative integers with some property. In this talk, we introduce the software "LattE" for counting lattice points in polytopes, as well as a story about two mathematicians without enough knowledge of computer. (This is a joint work with Kazunori Nakamoto in Yamanashi Univ.)

|16:00--16:50|Simple 3D Graph on Smartphones|Akira Suzuki (Kobe University)|
In these years, many types of smartphones has been sold even in Japan. Though modern mobile phones can use faster CPU and more memory space in their application than before, such resources are still restricted compaireing with desktop PC. On the other hand, we can deploy new user-interface using accelerometer and touchpanel to the our mobile applications. In this talk, I show an application to display 3D-graphs on iPhone/iPod touch, and give a brief overview of its technical background.

|17:00--17:50|My Ph.D. Thesis typeset in early TeX|Akimichi Takemura (University of Tokyo/JST CREST)|
I have written my Ph.D. Thesis at Department of Statistics, Stanford University in August 1982.  I was very happy to be able to use early TeX system at the computer science department, because I could use calligraphic letters in my thesis.  Although my memories are now fading, I will talk about my experiences with early TeX system.

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